“CALMfident” Leadership Workshops for School Leaders

Customized to meet the unique needs of your team

60-90 minute sessions presented at

  • Principal Networks

  • Superintendent Meetings

  • Retreats and Conferences

  • Professional Learning Associations

    These workshops explore the unique role of School Leaders and related strategies and resources to prioritize well-being, and regain CALM CONFIDENT leadership

Learn about current related research on School Leaders and well-being

#1 Nurturing Well-Being

Bring “CALM” to the forefront of your leadership journey.

Learn about a resilience self-care framework to navigate the role of School Leader with a renewed focus to prioritize your well-being

Connect and collaborate to cultivate support networks

Attitude of gratitude and grace to create positive thinking patterns

Lean into new learning for personal and professional growth

Mindful measures for stress management

#2 Principal “Planning Time”

Create Time Management Strategies and a renewed TIME MINDSET

Learn about why it is important to manage “all those interruptions”. You never seem to have enough time to get their work done!

Managing the competing demands can be a stressor which can lead to being less productive.

This presentation invites you to manage your TIME MINDSET, explore productivity tools and commit to work-life balance with new strategies.

#3 CALM School Spaces

Create CALM spaces to foster focus, reduce distractions and support your well- being

Regulate your nervous system with a renewed reflection of spaces, starting with your office

Organized streamlined calm spaces allow you to approach your tasks with greater easy and efficiency, ultimately reducing stress levels

Is digital and physical clutter causing you to feel overwhelmed? Learn new streamlined strategies to create your space with intention and focus